Online Assessments & Courses
تعليم اللغة العربية عن بعد
Learn Arabic Simply
Organise your Arabic study!
Looking for budget friendly online Arabic tuition available on demand, no matter your time zone?
Want anytime access to your Arabic lessons, resources, notes, recordings, tips, homework and more?
Need to boost your Arabic knowledge, and maybe study towards a recognised qualification?
Welcome to online learning with ADLS Arabic, where we simplify the Arabic language steps. We recognize the need for more accessible, online, Arabic resources, hence this platform. Try out this online learning system without the need for big books. Courses can be taken with, or without a tutor, and by GCSE and non-GCSE students.
Take the next step towards your personal Arabic goals.
Find the right course level by simply viewing the courses page. If you prefer to chat with us first use the contact page to get in touch.
We are here to help you with your personal Arabic language goals, and so to this end we have built this site and the modules contained within it, so that you never miss a step.
GCSE Arabic Guide

Inexpensive pricing options that won’t break your budget.
Check out the payment plans for weekly and monthly one-to-one study, or go self-study. Various payment options including Pay As You Go, Standing Order, and Subscription.
See course pricing panel for more details. Study from less than £2.00/day. No enrolment fee. No registration fee. Cancel anytime.
Test the waters with an affordable weekly option.
Popular monthly pay allows you to focus your study in modules.
Further discounts, when you opt for self-study lessons.
An all in one system for learning the Arabic language.
Why Learn Arabic with us? We use an organised method of study that covers everything you need to speak, listen, read, and write. We help you to piece the Arabic language together using skills, grammar, and Arab culture.
Genuine client comments.
اللغة العربية في مدة وجيزة
Upgrade your Arabic with an online assessment.
Choose the right self-assessment for your current ability. Gradually go through each level by taking as many assessments as you need. Register via the assessments page.