Arabic A1 Primary Assessment.
Sign up for this tutor-less Arabic self-assessment for upper beginners. It gives you feedback on areas of the Arabic language that you may be familiar with, and perhaps other areas that you need to brush up on.
This online level test gives you an approximate indication of your language level, based on multiple testing factors. Where an option is given; only answer questions you know the answer to.
A1 Primary Assessment
A1PA Overview
This basic Arabic assessment is suitable for learners who intend to take an Arabic course at upper beginners level, such as A1PC. This assessment is not suitable for the lower beginner.
This assessment specifies a set access time of 24 hours, but it can be completed in 25-50 minutes. You shall be able to view details of the quiz durations once you access the assessment.
This assessment is arranged into two sections; section one is an introduction, and section two contains tasks covering true or false, multiple choice, picture description, reading and listening tasks.
Due to the limited time on the quiz units you may not have time to use any other resources. The timing on quizzes allow for thinking time and selection of an answer. You need to pass each quiz to move on to the next step, and in order to pass the whole assessment.
This digital service is provided in order for those who may, or may not, have access to an Arabic teacher, or suitable Arabic lessons to be able to access relevant material at any time. For more information on the U.K. national curriculum, and assessments in schools see the site. Assessment content is subject to updates. See other assessments foundation, or higher, and courses.
A1PA (Self-Assess)
Usually £15.50 (1-to-1).
Pay Less. Anytime Access.